US Embassy, Guatemala City, Guatemala.
Inspired by a bristlecone pine growing at high altitude in the US and a ceiba tree growing near the capital of Guatemala, the sculpture will be integrated into the interior of a new US embassy in Guatemala designed by Miller Hull architects. The project is scheduled to open in October 2022.
The sculpture is commissioned by the U.S. Department of State's Office of Art in Embassies.
US Embassy, Guatemala City, Guatemala.
Inspired by a Great Basin bristlecone pine growing at high altitude in the US and a ceiba tree growing near the capital of Guatemala, the sculpture is integrated into the interior of the new US embassy in Guatemala designed by Miller Hull architects. The project opened November 2022.
The sculpture is commissioned by the U.S. Department of State's Office of Art in Embassies.
Salvaged Alaskan Yellow Cedar, 20’H x 18’ x 19’.